Emporos Gallery Antiques & Interiors Wednesday, 2 June 2021 - 11:00 AM start
We are pleased to present The Emporos Gallery (Greytown) Antiques & Interiors Auction to be held at our Wellington Premises. After 23 years in business Grant & Annabel Cowdry have retired from their well-known Antique & Interior business in Greytown. This auction of residual stock includes many gems for the discerning collector. Sale features fine Georgian Furniture, interesting British vernacular furniture, French interior furniture & fittings, Sterling Silver, quirky Victoriana, woodware & metal ware, lamps, light fittings & wall sconces, screens, porcelain, pottery & glassware from Period to Contemporary. Something for everyone!
Live Bidding Instructions.pdf (3 mb)
Online Bidding.pdf (2 mb)
EmporosAntiq.pdf (305 kb)