The Rowan Gibbs Book Collection
Thursday, 16 November - Thursday, 14 December 2023
Three N.Z. Novels by Bolitho Hector
Realised: $50 plus premium
Current Bid $50 (2 bids, reserve met)
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This lot is now closed 14 Dec 1:58 PM (NZST)
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Lot Details
"The Flame on Ethirdova" - Cobden-Sanderson, London, 1930. 218pp, 8vo, copy no.9 of a special edition of ten copies for the author, bound in half vellum, marbled boards, signed by him and this copy inscribed to “J.K.F.” "Older People" - Cobden-Sanderson, London, 1935. Worn copy, lengthy inscription on title. "My Restless Years" - Max Parrish, London, 1962. Inscribed to Pat Lawlor. All in varying conditions.