The Rowan Gibbs Book Collection
Thursday, 16 November - Thursday, 14 December 2023
Current Bid $130 (4 bids, reserve met)
This lot is now closed 14 Dec 1:06 PM (NZST)
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Lot Details
Jane "The Story of a New Zealand River" With Other, London: John Lane, The Bodley Head; New York: John Lane Company, 1920. First U.K. edition, 432pp, 8vo green cloth, wear to cover, some foxing. Pat Lawlor’s copy with his bookplate and inscribed thus: “Inscribed in the Turnbull / Library, Wellington for / Pat Lawlor by / Jane Mander / March 1934”. Bagnall M728. Jane Mander by Turner, Dorothea. Twayne, N.Y., 1972, nicely inscribed by the author to Pat Lawlor thanking him for “the very valuable material contributed” and a later letter in which she points out the Twayne series could not be imported into N.Z. by booksellers and she herself imported 50 each of all those on N.Z. authors and sold them through an ad. in Landfall. General wear to both.