The Rowan Gibbs Book Collection
Thursday, 16 November - Thursday, 14 December 2023
Four Various N.Z. Fiction Books by Patrige Sydney
Realised: $50 plus premium
Current Bid $50 (1 bid, reserve met)
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Lot Details
Rocky Section - An Australian Romance, Steele Rudd and Co., Sydney 1907, 186pp 8vo cloth, mild wear, watermarks. Life’s Wallaby - published by the Author, Norwood, S.A., 1908, with bookplate of Walter Stone. Life’s Wallaby - Yarul Press, Sydney 1910, some wear, long quotation covering title-page; bookplate of Geo Mackaness. The Wayside Goose - Sydney Partrige and Hal Stone, vol.1 no.10, Oct.31st 1910, edges worn. Born Kate Mountford Partridge [sic] at Huangarua Station in the Wairarapa in 1871, she lived in Australia from age 14 and married printer Hal Stone in 1906.